At Home Workout

It is very hard sometime to get in your workout when your life is so busy and hectic. I would go a couple days with out making it to the gym and that would eventually spiral into a month. This New Year I decided that physical activity needed to be an important part of my lifestyle no matter how busy I am. So I wanted to find ways I could get my workout in at home even on my busiest days.
Below is some great workout equipment designed to make your at home workout easier. What is your favorite at home workout equipment?

This Yoga Stretch Strap by FiveFourTen (which can be found here) I use to stretch out my muscles before and after a workout. It is also great for difficult yoga poses and balance. 


<a href="" rel="nofollow"><img style="display: none" src="" /></a>


I use these Go Sport It Push Up Bars (which can be found here) to strengthen my arms and upper body. The bars are light weight, but sturdy so that you can have the perfect push up because it allows you to have less stress on your body. They have foam grips so they do not slip. One of the best things about this product is that they are portable so you can workout while on the go. 





Lastly I use the Go Sport It Pilate Ring in my at home workout. You can find it here. This allows you to do your yoga and pilate sessions at home. You can target your lower and upper body with this ring and also increase flexibility and posture.  It is lightweight and portable so there is no excuses not to workout when traveling.

Pilate Ring and Pushup Bars  c/o Go Sport It. Yoga Stretch Strap c/o FiveFourTen



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