Summer Nails

                                                 Nail color: Base (here) Sparkle (here)
Summer time is for bright nails, sun dresses, and cocktails on the patio. Who is with me?
I love to use the summer as a time to be creative with my nails. It is a way to add color to an  otherwise boring outfit. It is also a way to express yourself creatively. Manicures and pedicures are great, but sometimes it is fun to do your own at home. In the summer I tend to go with bright colors, such as this one, and this one. If you follow me on social media you know my favorite color to wear at anytime of the year is this one here. What are your go to nail colors? Shop the rest of mine below.


                                                        Nail Color: Base (here) Sparkle (here)


This post was made in collaboration with Walgreen's beauty